Resource Round-Up: Causal Inference

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

In my post on causal design patterns, I argue that these techniques are currently underutilized in industry because (at least, in part) they are so often couched in domain-specific language. Fortunately, the past few years have seen an explosion of fantastic resources and tools to help practitioners more readily learn and apply these methods. Below, I link some of my favorite readings. To help prioritize which resources (or which chapters within them) will be most relevant to you, please see my previous post for an “advertisement” and overview of some of the main techniques.

Free Books

  • Causal Inference: What If by Miguel Hernan and Jamie Robins
    • Epidemiology perspective
    • Code supplement in R, python, SAS, Stata
  • Introduction to Causal Inference by Brady Neal
    • ML perspective including Bayesian networks, causal discovery
    • Builds strong theoretical basis with graphical and probabilistic proofs
    • Book complemented by video lectures
  • Causal Inference: the Mixtape by Scott Cunningham
    • Economics perspective
    • Includes interactive R code chunks to run as you read
  • The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality by Nick Huntington-Kline
    • Economics perspective
    • Holistic focus on research design with rich examples from literature
  • Impact Evaluation in Practice by Gertler, Martinez, Premand, Rawlings, Vermeersch of the World Bank
  • Handbook of Field Experiments by Ahbijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
    • Technically a type of experimentation not causal inference
    • However, the real world challenges of field (versus clinical) research creates some nice “blended” methodologies.
    • For example encouragement designs are closely related to instrumental variable methods. These may have been inadvertently conducted in your business strategy and be available in historical data.

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Emily Riederer
Senior Analytics Manager
